Module:9, Day: 04 (Summary of part 3)

Werewolf were behind us. We quickly ran from there but we didn't no either we're passing pit or going inside of it... 
Our feet got slipped and I tried to hold Todd's hand but I missed it... 
I cried and I said I miss you Todd.. I love you Todd... Suddenly a sweet voice passed really??... That was Todd. .. Right now they were sitting back to back and behind them something was powerful...What's that author asked to Todd. Todd replied that is ptredocty.. I'd never think that a reptile can ran this much faster... We went up... Three Murphy brother were there and wolves also... They came there to help us but we found hair on their skin also... Jess beg for help because wolves were there in front of them... I asked for red tin box... We crawled among those odor smell and legs...  I got the red tin box.. Beautifully jewelled pewter figrives were there. I used pewter sorceress to use its light for escaping ourselves from wolves and yes we got succeeded... 

When we went down.. We found a man he was a wolf... I've chosen go button and thne man stuck in door... We use that time ran for safety... 
I stretched my hand into darkness and found myself at home 😅😂.. Page number 52..The End 

Thanks 🌹


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