
Case study

Ans1:-  A week's vacation in Singapore Ans2:-  To observe the built and reconstructed objects Ans3:-  More than five hundred employees were working in BenQ including engineers and technical personnel. . Rakesh from IT department was completely frustrated as he has to work on data till late evening.  Ans4:-  They were asked to share through an envelope They were asked to share by forming a team of 3-4 And5:- 1. Technical Problems with the fax machines 2. Data loss due human error 3. Higher cost due to staff visiting site offices Ans6:- 1. Want to see enthusiastic employees.2. Trying to figure out efficient way of solution.

Grand Canyon

  About pretend career - Astronaut Research • For becoming the Astronaut, you can join: 1) ISRO 2) NASA 3) SpaceX and other countries space agency. The salary of Astronaut depends on agency or country. But in India, salary can be 50000 to some lakh rupees. Salary of NASA'S   astronaut Salary Salary US NASA Astronaut - Experienced Currently, a GS-12 starts at $65,140 per year and a GS-13 can earn up to $100,701 per year. - Nasa in 2016: Salaries for civilian Astronaut Candidates are based upon the Federal Government's General Schedule pay scale for grades GS-11 through GS-14. • For becoming Astronaut, these are some skills should required- - Leadership skill, Adaptability of different environments, Logical and Scientific thinking, Driving air vehical etc. • An Astronaut spend his most of the time on space station, or debit etc Challenges  • For doing courses to become an Astronaut, you need a good amount of money, fee will be approx 2-3 lakhs per year exclude other s...

Pretend passion

Hi My team has prepared pretend passion career. Like: - We love rummaging things and as per famous job also we all are liking astronaut job.   Passion: - We'll discover new information about space. And will able to fix demise objects. As per our contemplate space is full of mystery.  Love:-  Doing something with our hearts means we're dedicated to our passion work  .                                 Thanks 🥰✌️  

Healthy diet for different age groups

Infancy (0 to 12 months)  :-    Between birth and one year of age babies double their length and triple their weight.. Mother's milk supplies required amount of nutrition, fluids and energy ..    pre school and school going children :-  Once child starts having solid food give them wholegrains. Every child needs protein, vitamins and minerals  increase with age...     18 above children :-   In this age groups children should focus on their weight gain/ loss.. Wholegrains bread,vegetables, nut, fish, fruit and lean meat etc...  Old age people :-  Carbohydrates and fat needs to be restricted.. Since teeth starts falling and chewing becomes difficult so milk is a good option for old age people..  My family :-  All members of my family maintaining their diet nicely except my mother. She eats on time but apart from food have to maintain our phy...

Role skit based on story

                              Skit  Book name:- Night in werewolf Writer :- R. L. STINE  Aasmeen ( author)  Mala( Parent)  Nisha(Murphy)  Rohit ( Todd)  Shushanr ( Shurphy)     Back ground of characters  Aasmeen :- Author which is emotionally connected for his friend. And loving a person.  Todd:- A boy who is a nerd and fascinated for study. He some courage to solve situation.  Murphy:- Naughty and little cool boy. Always tries to impress others by his work.  Shurphy:- A kind of cunning guy. Always ready for reply on question.  Parents:- Loving and caring for their son Todd. At home 🏠  Parents Todd's :-  We interrupt your this summer vacation your friends family has invited us at deep woods lake.  In the Cabin :-  Sharply:- I've seen before also. I think werewolves have taken your red tide box.  Author:- ...

Module:9, Day: 04 (Summary of part 3)

Werewolf were behind us. We quickly ran from there but we didn't no either we're passing pit or going inside of it...  Our feet got slipped and I tried to hold Todd's hand but I missed it...  I cried and I said I miss you Todd.. I love you Todd... Suddenly a sweet voice passed really??... That was Todd. .. Right now they were sitting back to back and behind them something was powerful...What's that author asked to Todd. Todd replied that is ptredocty.. I'd never think that a reptile can ran this much faster... We went up... Three Murphy brother were there and wolves also... They came there to help us but we found hair on their skin also... Jess beg for help because wolves were there in front of them... I asked for red tin box... We crawled among those odor smell and legs...  I got the red tin box.. Beautifully jewelled pewter figrives were there. I used pewter sorceress to use its light for escaping ourselves from wolves and yes we got succeeded...  When...

Module:09, Day: 03 ( Short summary of few pages part 02)

Author has gone inside the cave with Todd. // Cave was full of darkness. / They found yelloweyes everywhere around them. // Those were bats eyes./ Todd was  stretching his hand towards bats but author was frightened😰. // Todd disappeared from there. / I could find him because darkness was everywhere. // Moon light has melted frozen werewolves. // When last wolf was passing out Todd came there.!! Todd started coping wolf's voice. He said it's better to escape ourselves from becoming their dinner// After some hours wolf's running sound was coming but we're not aware about the direction of it. Werewolves we're closer to us. We'd only  howling hope to save ourselves. // we've been standing there for howling for an hour. //  Now no werewolf was there. We both we're saved..  Thanks 🌹